Update Xolo Era 4G to Marshmallow 6.0 Manually .
Do you want to update Xolo Era 4G to Marshmallow 6.0 officially ? If yes then you are at right place . Xolo has released the official android marshmallow update and now users can download and install the update manually . Xolo era 4g is the latest smartphone from Xolo in the Era series . The Device comes with a 5 inch screen and 1Gb of ram . The device currently runs on Android 5.0 lollipop and now after the official rolling from company you can update it to marshmallow 6.0 .
Manually Update Xolo Era 4G to Marshmallow 6.0 .
As this is the official update so you dont need any special requirements to update the smartphone in Android 6.0 , But still there are some pre-requirements and points you need to take care of :-
- This guide is only for Xolo Era 4G users .
- You should be on a non-rooted device to receive the official update via OTA .
- Minimum 65% of battery is required to update the smartphone .
- Active internet connection is required .
- Minimum 2Gb of space is required in the internal memory to update .
Steps to Update Xolo Era 4G to Marshmallow 6.0 Officially .
- First of all Turn off your smartphone .
- Now remove the battery for 2 minutes .
- Now Again insert the battery and turn on the smartphone .
- Now make sure the smartphone is connected to internet .
- Now Go to settings of the smartphone .
- Now Go to About Phone .
- Now after entering in the About phone option .
- You will see a System updates option .
- Just tap on that .
- Now the smartphone will start checking for the update .
- After sometime you will will see a marshmallow update to download .
- Download the update and tap on install .
- Now the smartphone will start updating .
- After sometime the Mobile will automatically boot up .
- The first boot will take around 5 minutes .
- Thats all !! You have successfully update Xolo Era 4G to Android Marshmallow 6.0 .
So this was our guide on How to update Xolo Era 4G to android 6.0 Marshmallow , I hope you liked our guide .
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